23 Feb. Till 27 Mar.

As Absence is often seen as a flaw in an otherwise complete system. We are conditioned to perceive lack —whether in an object, a system , or within ourselves—as a deficiency . But what if absence is not a limitation , not a shortcoming or defect but a fundamental necessity for wholeness ?

Just as silence is defined by the absence of sound and the retreat of light gives darkness its form , “Absence” explores the notion that it is precisely through lack that a system—whether an artwork or a person—becomes whole.

Through cutout works that rely on negative space , what is removed becomes an active element shaping perception and meaning.

By eliminating entire sections of form, meaning is not given; The cutouts become open structures that demand viewer engagement and perception to finalize their meaning as the mind instinctively fills in the gaps participating in the creation of the work through memory and intuition.

In Absence, what is missing holds equal to what remains, meaning is found not despite the unseen but because of it as lack becomes prerequisite for wholeness.


Curated by: Mahmoud Hamdi

Artist: Ahmed Mourad